Generally about a 1 hour discovery discussion about you, your business and what you want to achieve.
Together we will explore what you believe to be the main challenges.
This is to ensure we are on the same page and understand clearly what is about to happen.
I am flexible and once I embark on a journey with you if we have to revisit this that's OK!
If required I will talk and more importantly listen to the relevant people to discover their thoughts on the topic - this can often be your customers not just your people.
This is the action planning and agreement stage.
This section sets the scene for what may need to start happening, stop happening or change.
We need to identify what measurable milestones or performance indicators there maybe and have agreement from the people who have to deliver.
This is the implementation of the actions.
It can be painful, let's face it 'Change' can be uncomfortable and often support is needed on a daily basis, we can ease people through the process.
I will be there and get involved to what ever degree is required to help you make it work.
I will check back in with you after agreed periods and see how the changes are working.
If we have to revisit aspects or build in additional areas we can.